; Helpful tips for using GrIPKey V2.0 ; You can create a new function by double-clicking on an unmapped controller button, and it will automatically be mapped for you. You can edit the properties of a mapped button by double-clicking the button. You can edit the properties of a mapped button by right-clicking the button and selecting "Properties". You can right-click on the controller window to change controller types. If you right-drag one button to another, you will get a menu allowing you to select the desired result. You can move button mappings from one button to another by dragging them with the left mouse button. You can drag functions from one Key Set to another. When you create a new set, if you open a controller window GrIPKey will automatically select the type of controller that is connected. You can use the AutoMap feature to easily map functions to buttons. Check "AutoMap" under Preferences. You can see what Key Set is enabled by looking in the status bar.